O-di-C international collaborations

O-di-C international collaborations

Since 2016, O-di-C studio has collaborations abroad.

The studio brings its expertise in trends and textile design to companies

willing to enhance their creativity, innovate, and better address European Market.

From foresight and artistic direction, to the development of collections and their promotion, Sophie Odic offers, alone or in a team, dedicated and personalized support.

For a successfull, long-term collaboration, creative workshops in-house are highly appreciated!

Depending on the projects, the Studio gathers experts and creative minds from various fields: textile engineer, graphic designer, digital and retail expert.


Thanks to its network of experts in the fields of textiles, retail and digital, Sophie offers, alone or with a team, tailor-made solutions adapted to your specific needs.


The French market being specific, we know how to identify and respond to french private and public calls for tender.


After 10 years in a leading style offices, I founded O-di-C in 2011, with the desire to better connect Fashion and Home trends to the reality of manufacturers and brands.


Drawing inspiration from key cities for design and fashion, and sharing the daily challenges of the companies with which I work, is an essential dynamic.

Through the variety of my missions, I share a lot with companies with niche know-how.


O-di-C's mission is to help them showcase their expertise, push innovation in their product and their marketing strategy, so that they become key players in the creative industries.